
Peri-monpause, weight fluctuation, pregnancy and genetics can all lead to an excess accumulation of abdominal fat and skin, which tend to hang downwards. Dr Wetton performs a variety of abdominoplasties such as a “mini- tummy tuck” or a full abdominoplasty. She will take her time explaining which combination may be appropriate for you. You may need some liposuction with your abdominoplasty, or a muscle plication, or maybe relocating the umbilicus. All of these tools can be used to re-shape the abdominal area and create a faltering waist and flatter abdomen.

What to expect

Dr Wetton will discuss which option, or combination of procedures is right for you, to address the issues that you are experiencing. If the work is more extensive such as a full abdominoplasty with liposuction and muscle plication you will be required to stay in hospital after your surgery for 1-3 nights. Again, depending on the nature of your procedure your healing time may be longer, like 6 weeks, or shorter like 1-2 weeks for a crescent lift. You will have swelling and some bruising after your procedure and it is really at the 12 month mark where you will see your final result.

Procedure specific risks: You may have unsightly scars, irregular areas in your abdomen, you may feel too tight, there may be damage to nerves, or underlying structures, you may get a wound break down, or the umbilicus could die.

Frequently Asked Questions