
Ageing around the eyes is often multifactorial and performing a blepharoplasty at times is not enough to complete the peri-ocular rejuvenation desired. The brows are responsible for framing the face and give the upper face structure.
Dr Wetton can perform a brow lift either as a stand-alone procedure, or accompanied by an upper blepharoplasty.

What to expect

A brow lift can be achieved using different surgical methods and with a variety of incisions. Generally the incisions are small and can be placed in areas of the face and scalp which are less obvious. You may feel that the area is tight for some time, but this will relax in the following weeks to months. There may be some persistent swelling in the forehead or brow area for some months, but it should not be too obvious. Sometimes patients are pleasantly surprised that they can go without botox for much longer periods of time after having a brow lift.

Specific risks: asymmetry, deeper tissue damage, skin compromise, brows too high or too low.

Frequently Asked Questions