At The Dalia Clinic, we’re committed to ensuring you make an informed and safe decision about aesthetics and non-surgical cosmetic procedures.

From Morpheus8, RF micro needling, chemical peels, to microdermabrasion, non-surgical cosmetic procedures and aesthetics don’t cut beneath the skin but are performed for the purposes of appearance.

The Dalia Clinic is committed to pre, post and perimenopausal non-surgical cosmetic procedures that abide by guidelines developed by the Medical Board of Australia.

The non-surgical cosmetic procedures and aesthetics we offer include:

What we can help you with

The non-surgical cosmetic procedures and aesthetics we offer include:

Our Approach


The Dalia Clinic practises respect, trust and compassion to create a safe space for all your needs, desires and sensitivities as you journey through menopause.


From hormonal support for symptom relief to natural remedies for anti-ageing, any therapies and supplements that we recommend have your best interests at heart.


Our Double Bay space is curated to be calming, grounding and welcoming. Feel a sense of ease in an environment designed for comfort and confidentiality.

Rebate Information

We are a private practice and therefore do not offer bulk-billing.
Patients eligible for a Medicare rebate will receive their rebate into their nominated bank account within 1-2 business days.

Women supporting women throughout their lives

Across women’s health, aesthetics, psychology or cosmetic surgery, feel safe, seen and heard through our patient-centred approach.